

Improving Professional Service IT Agreements

A few years ago, we renovated our kitchen. Our old kitchen was fine, but it was getting a bit tired and we were ready for more counter space, better lighting, and an improved layout overall.  As we soon discovered, getting the work done required a… Read more

Win With Win/Win

Last month, my wife, Brigid, and I drove from Portland, Maine to Boulder, Colorado. It’s a long journey (2000+ miles!), so we tried to plan some fun stopping points along the way. One of these, near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is Edith Lucille’s Bait Shop and Wing Depot (motto:… Read more

Those Elusive “Clickwrap” Agreements

Last August, my daughter, Katie, moved into her first apartment after college — in New York City. Like the weather, the rental market was hot. When Katie and her roommate finally found an apartment in their price range, they knew they had to jump. Things… Read more

Flawed Assumptions Lead to Trouble

When it comes to airplane travel, I’m partial to early morning flights. Yes, you need to arrive at the airport first thing in the morning. But it also means that the plane is already sitting there from the night before, reducing the chances of a… Read more